Hosted by Amanda Shae
Sounds provided by
DJ Troy Frost and DJ High Frequency
Performance Program
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Boston is full of Talent!
We will have some amazing dance, and
music performances
from local creators.
• Kekeli Drum and Dance Group •
• Tem Blessed • Fredrick Woodward •
Cosplay Pre-judge
1:00PM - 1:45PM
Cosplay Contest
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Cosplayers will show their creativity,
craftsmanship, and fandom!
All panels will be on the second floor.
Comics and Politics
11:00AM - 12:00PM
How have politics shaped and been shaped by comics and graphic novels? In this panel we dive deep into how these worlds intertwine, as well as how we can utilize it in the future effectively to communicate and express political ideologies.
Moderator: Joel Christian Gill
Raeghan Buchanan
Chris Rhodes

The Impact of Technology
on Comics
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Panelists will talk about the impact of technology on comics and the ever changing landscape of art and artist tools.
Moderator: Barrington Edwards
Jhair James
Javier Cruz Winnik

Afrofuturism vs Black Horror
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Black Horror has been around for decades but has had a resurgence with a new crop of films and comics, while Afrofuturism has also found a new generation of voices with a view of whats possible in future of Black People. Our panelists will talk about the connection and contradictions of horror and Afrofuturism.
Moderator: Tyhara Angus
John Jennings
David Crownson
Greg Anderson Elysee
Sayyid Lestrade

An Artist’s Work/Life Balance
3:00PM - 4:00PM
More often than not, artists must wear multiple hats to support themselves in any consistent capacity. This, combined with the extensive investment of time and energy the creative process requires, can lead to negative impacts on work/life balance. Join us for a special panel with several esteemed creators who discuss their experiences and tools for navigating life as an artist.
Moderator: Caiana Luse
TiElla Grimes
Zahirah Nur Truth
Gabriel Reid
Bithiah Holton

Cosplay Tips and Tricks (CANCELLED)
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Learn tips and tricks from our amazing Cosplay special guests on the craft of successfully representing iconic characters!
Moderator: ​Ashley Lewis (XP Hunter Lee)
On Key Cosplay
Venture Bros. Cosplay
Empress Jasmine

SPARC! Mask Making
1:00PM - 4:00PM
SPARC! the Artmobile will run an all-ages
mask-making workshop ​

Writing for Young Audiences
11:00AM - 12:00PM​
Young Adult (YA) is the highest selling genre in comics and graphic novels. Our accomplished panelists will talk about what it is like to create books for younger audiences and what goes into their work.
Moderator: LJ Baptiste
Jonathan Todd
Liz Montague
Nell Bell

ROXFILM 2024 Preview Screening
1:00PM - 2:00PM
RIFF will screen a collection of animated shorts
The Oceanmaker - Lucas Martell
The boy and the jazz - Flávio dos Santos
Warrior Queen - YouNeek studios
The Published World
Sponsored by Hub Comics
2:00PM - 3:00PM ​
What is it like to break into and work for the comics industry? Our panelists will talk about their experiences working with the Big Two and others in the comic book publishing world.
Moderator: Quincy Walters
• Rob Stull
Tem Blessed
Jarret Melendez
Bill Campbell

Putting the Black
in Newspaper Funny Pages
3:00PM - 4:00PM ​
Newspaper comic strips have been around for approximately 130 years and have had an extensive, complex history in that time across generations. One of the most notable and understated elements is the role Black cartoonists have served opening doors and carving a path in such an unpredictable industry. In this panel, we will discuss what it is like to be one of the few Black nationally syndicated cartoonists.
Moderator: Cagen Luse
Barbara Brandon-Croft
Ray Billingsley
Dee Parsons

Jonathan Todd
11:00AM - 11:30PM ​
Barbara Brandon-Croft
Ray Billingsley
1:00PM - 1:30PM
Joel Christian Gill
Dee Parsons
2:00PM - 2:30PM
Raeghan Buchanan
Liz Montague
3:00PM - 3:30PM
John Jennings

RIXY and SWAT from BCICF 23
Live Mural Art